OPENING PANEL: Manager facing the challenges of future logistics
According to a recent report by ManpowerGroup, 75% of key industry employers report difficulties in finding qualified personnel to fill specialized positions. As a result of the dynamic transformation of reality (resulting from the effects of pandemics, climate change, the development of artificial intelligence), HR experts are trying to predict who will take warehouse jobs and on what terms.
The panel will discuss the factors shaping the current situation: demand, the state of demographics and digitalization. We will talk about the phenomenon of recruiting foreign candidates and the partial delegation of duties to robotic systems. We will also consider how the ideal workplace - especially in the TSL sector - is shaping up in a situation of chronic talent shortages and rising employee expectations.
From the panel you will learn:
- How are demographics and digitalization shaping the image of logistics in a polycrisis?
- The impact of current consumer behavior and economic-investment strategies on the future of the logistics industry.
- Team building as a path to success - how and whom to recruit to your company
- Who will stay with us in the warehouse?