
Become a Conference Partner


The organized conference will be an excellent platform to showcase the opportunities offered by your companies and to establish new relationships.


The conference is organized in conjunction with the MODERNLOG Trade Fair of Logistics, Transport and Storage - the largest trade fair event in Poland for the logistics sector of the production and warehousing area - and the ITM Industry Europe Fair - the largest meeting of the industrial sector in this part of Europe.

This is an opportunity to reach out to key manufacturing and retail industries, logistics directors, supply-chain managers, warehouse managers, and most importantly, the key decision makers in their companies.


  • As a Conference Partner, you will gain the opportunity to present your offer not only to the participants of the conference, but also to the MODERNLOG and ITM Industry Europe fairs. Thanks to us you will reach a new group of potential contractors.
  • By appearing as an Expert at the conference you will enhance your professional image and inspire confidence as a business partner. By sharing your knowledge with others, you will help them make decisions about new technologies.
  • You will exchange your experiences with other representatives of the industry sector. As a Practitioner, you will have the opportunity to present your business during a moderated panel discussion with market leaders.
  • Get noticed - showcase your solutions in the networking space of the conference and use this opportunity for direct matchmaking.

We will be very happy to tell you about the details of cooperation:

Joanna Sypniewska
Joanna Sypniewska