
EXPERTS PANEL: Digitalization and IoT - support in warehousing processes


According to IDC's Worldwide Global DataSphere Forecast report, in 2025 there will already be 180 zettabytes of data in the world (one zettabyte is one trillion gigabytes). 33% of it is acquired via IoT devices and sensors.

During the panel, moderated by Artur Olejniczak, experienced practitioners and experts in the logistics industry will address key issues related to the current situation of the sector.

  • How are sensors and sensing changing warehouse processes?
  • What impact does data analytics and the use of BI tools have on managerial decision-making?
  • What lies ahead - mental or infrastructural challenges?
  • Is the materialization of the Physical Internet concept possible?

The discussion will suggest ways to - not as easy as it seems - effectively and efficiently implement IT systems.